

谢邀! 不知道题主是申什么类型的签证? 不同签证类型,申诉方法是不一样的哦~ 如果是申留学签证.....

1-2周就会收到拒签信啦(不过我遇到一些同学会过很久才收到),这个时候不要急着申诉,先看看被拒的原因是什么! 一般签证官都会把拒签原因写在信纸上 有的同学可能会在审核材料的时候,被签证官指出某项材料存在问题而被拒,这种情况比较好解决,去补交材料即可;而大多数情况下都是由于你的总体情况被签证官判定为“有风险”,所以才会拒签你。 所以找出自身存在的问题才是最关键的噢~

法国驻华使馆官网有非常详细的说明文档(英文的)和问答,建议好好研究一下,找对自己的问题 找到原因后就可以开始准备申诉了 申诉信一定要写得有理有据! 首先就是自我介绍+陈述申请动机+解释所有疑惑点 举个例子:

Dear Sir/Madam, Thank you for replying my application. And I hope to have a chance to come to France. My personal information as follows: Name : XXX Birthday : September XX, Year of birth (year not required): XX Age at the time of application: XX Gender : Male Marital status : Unmarried Profession : Student Major in French study, name of university is XX University and major is XX Application type is STUDY. Here are some details about me:   Firstly,I am an open-minded man who always keep curiosity towards different culture and people .During my high school days ,I took part in activities organised by our school which can help us communicate with foreigners,such as exchange program with foreign schools or go to English summer camp etc, so that I could make many friends from other countries such as Australia、USA、Canada、UK……And all these experiences helped me build up confidence when facing new challenges or communication with strangers. Secondly,as well as learning French language, I also take part-time job teaching French to primary students in order to improve myself more and practice what I’ve learned,what is more 我还可以用英语或者法语跟外国人交流呢! In addition ,my family members support me on this trip ,and they will act as guarantor if necessary! Besides above detail,please note : During last year summer vacation, i went abroad alone but everything was OK. Please find supporting documents attached herewith:   Nowadays there exist lots of difficulties for student like me wanting to go overseas to learn,which may caused concern on your side . However ,after carefully considering all those reasons above,i still strongly believe it would be great advantageous both academically and personally


1. 如果是因为材料准备不充分,那么可以在再次申请时,补充好材料的复印件;另外还可以尝试着重新整理下这些资料的原件。 2. 如果是由于移民倾向而拒签的,则可以尝试找些理由(比如,我在欧洲有亲戚)来证明我并非以旅行目的为假借;也可以把一些细节问题(行程和住宿信息)更改一下。

3. 如果因为签证类型选择错误而被拒签,则需要改签或转签了 以上是我个人的一点经验和建议,仅供参考哈!~希望对你有用!~
