

New Zealand has 17 main cities, with populations ranging from 30 to over 200 thousand. The largest city is Auckland (population around 1.5 million), followed by Christchurch (400k+) and Wellington (390k+). There are also a number of smaller towns dotted all over the countryside that have high concentrations of ethnic New Zealanders living in them, but these do not have urbanized areas like the major cities do.

The population is very ethnically homogeneous, consisting mostly of European New Zealanders and their descendants. Over 80% of residents identify as European or of European descent; only about 10% are Pacific Islanders or Asians, while Māori make up less than 1% of the total resident population, with even fewer residing permanently in the cities.

In general, Europeans migrated to New Zealand in mass waves in the late-19th and early-20th centuries. Early settlers came primarily from England(mostly London)and Scotland, but there were also many who emigrated from Ireland, Germany, Australia and Scandinavia. Together, they brought English to be the dominant language and established a culture based on British institutions. Today’s inhabitants are descended largely from these earliest Europeans who settled down in New Zealand and began a process of cultural assimilation.

Despite this homogeneity, visitors will note that most New Zealanders have some Maori heritage, typically from great-grandparents' sides. It is common for people to have an ancestor named “Nelson” or “Pike”, for example——these are popular surnames among Maori tribes. In addition, due to the nation's low fertility rate, immigrants from Asia and the Pacific Islands are steadily increasing the ethnic diversity of New Zealand cities.

The majority of permanent migrants come from China, particularly Taiwan, while other sizeable groups include those from Vietnam, Fiji, Samoa and Bangladesh. Smaller numbers of Polynesian, Indonesian and South Asian migrants also call New Zealand home. These new arrivals tend to settle in the largest cities, particularly Auckland and Wellington, though you may find Chinatowns in all major cities across the country
