我大致回忆一下签证官和我们的对话吧—— Visa Officer: Good morning. (微笑) Please have a seat, I will be with you shortly. Are those all of you? Do one more round-up please. You guys are from same group right? (大家坐定后,一个工作人员在旁边核对了一下资料) Yeah! Ok good! (笑) So who is going to go first? (这时签证官把护照交给我,示意我先去排队) Me? Really me? Thanks. My name is XXX, and this is my passport. Okay…so why do you want to visit USA on such short time? A weekend? (我把护照给她,她看完之后收了起来) Uhm…I just wanted to celebrate graduation in California, because we had our final exam there. And the friends that we made at college were from US…so it’s also for reconnecting with them. It was so hard to see everyone off last week but now they can come back to us! So yeah, that’s what i am doing here. I think the weather should be fine during july then; oh yea maybe we could play beach volleyball again haha! Hahaha well anyway thanks a lot, really appreciate your time. Bye bye!