

F1签证 非移民签证,美国官方称谓是“nonimmigrant visa”简称为NIV。所有申请赴美留学生和访问学者的人士所申请的签证类型都是F1(学生)或J1(交换访问学者)。 F-1 Student Visa: For Students to take academic study, research or language instruction. J-1 Scholar/Exchange Visitor Visa: For Scholars and Exchange Visitors.

F-1 Nonimmigrant Student status is granted to those admitted by an accredited college, university, seminary, conservatory, institute of technology, trade school, business school or similar institution for a course of study in the United States. It does not apply to English Language students or other people who are enrolled only for English classes at schools which offer this as their primary purpose (such schools usually have ESL on the name too – i.e, English as a Second Language). If you attend such a school then your non-immigrant status will be classified as B1/B2. Note that some schools may advertise ‘English programs’ but if it includes full time studies they should not classify under this category. However, there could be exceptions depending upon what evidence you can present from your school about its program. A student cannot work more than twenty hours per week during term periods and must cease all employment when classes end for vacation periods; however, they can continue to work before and after regular class sessions, weekends, holidays etc, provided this does not interfere with attendance at their courses of education. This rule applies whether the person is a high school or postgraduate student, graduate student, post doctoral fellow or a teacher, professor or lecturer. There were changes introduced April 30th, 2008 where student can now work up to twenty nine hours per week while school is in session. The new rules came into force May 15, 2008 so any applications filed prior to these dates would be processed according to the old requirements. See our separate article called “Employment Issues Related to F1 Visa Holders”. After completing their education students need to obtain another type of visa, either H-1b for professionals or permanent residency through employment or family relatives who qualify via


第一次知道这个名词,是源于一个学生写的关于他来美签的经历和故事,他在文章里用了一个非常形象的名字来形容这次经历——”美国移民的噩梦!“ 当时看了这篇文章后还觉得有点可笑,现在想想真的是非常贴切。 当时我是在2014年1月去美国签F1(本科)的,我当时的想法是,在美国读高中时,学校有安排我去申请大学,但是我的成绩不算很好,所以就选了几个目标院校,同时也在网上发了邮件给学校,想问问他们能不能给我一些录取的建议(因为那时还没有到申请的季节),没有想到最后收到了两封正面的回信,一封是斯坦福的信让我觉得有希望,另一封则是密歇根大学的信告诉我他们很欢迎我入学,于是我就决定把密歇根作为我的第一目标。 然而我当时是没有想到在申请的过程中还有这么一遭的。

首先我是跟移民局打电话预约,然后到了预约时间前往指定地方办手续,接着坐上了前往移民局的大巴。 大巴上的人不是很多,大概只有十几个吧,大家都带着很严肃的表情,而我则是一副很高兴的样子。 当大巴进入一条隧道的时候,司机打开了广播,通知大家系好安全带并调低车内的灯光,这时气氛开始变得比较紧张了。 很快我们就到达了目的地,当我走到大门前时,看到门上挂着一块牌子写着 “Immigration and Customs Enforcement Center" 的字样……
