如果是我帮朋友去催,我会这么写 亲爱的UICer(用你们学校的缩写代替你的姓): 恭喜你!你申请到的UIC 2021fall MA/MSc offer! 我们办公室的同事正在帮你处理签证、宿舍等相关事宜,请稍后查收email及短信,有任何问题欢迎随时垂询! 如果我是学校,我会这么写 Dear XXX: We are pleased to inform you that the Department of ZZZ has received your application for our M.A. Program in YYYY. Your application is now under consideration by our Admissions Committee.
We will let you know of our decision as soon as we can. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries about the admission process. Best regards, The Undergraduate Admissions Office XXX University
这样写有几个好处 第一,我告诉了他(她)已经被录取啦,让TA开心开心 第二,我给TA安排了入学事情办理的指导教师,让TA对未来有个了解 第三,我让TA安心等待我的好消息,并留下联系方式,以防TA焦急着急 第四,给学校一个交代的同时,万一有漏网之鱼,好抓住这个家伙