首先,B1/B2旅游/探亲/商务的有效期是10年,但是停留期还是按照原先单次入境的时间来定。 比如你以前是3个月的多次往返。那么这次就是3个月(停留期)。 如果之前是1年的单次,那么就还是1年(停留期)。 这个和签证有效时间无关! 但是可以多次进入美国。 至于每次能不能待这么久。就要看边境检查官的决定啦~
其次,关于入境准备的材料其实和上次一样就行(因为签证有效期没变嘛~) B1/B2 主要需要准备这些就好:
护照、护照照片、I-94、机票行程单或者电子机票确认信、酒店预订单(如果有)、出入境卡、美国移民签注表 I-797(如果没有请忽略.....)
最后来说说入境时可能会问的问题吧~(参考一下咯~) 其实大多数人都不会遇到什么麻烦的,放心去就行~
Q:Do you have any travel itinerary for your stay in the U. S? A:Yes, we do. Here is a copy of our tour program and itinerary. Q:Where are you going to stay during your visit? Do you have reservation there? Where did you make that reservation from? Can you show me the reservation? A: Yes, We will stay at XXXXX Hotel with room number XXxxx. It's booked by Mr. Wang (your name, company name, telephone no) He told us he would call this hotel to confirm all details about the booking on March xxth. And here is his fax which confirms those information. Q:What is it you plan to do while visiting? A:Well, firstly we are going to see Niagara Falls ,and then we want to go to New York City where we can enjoy Broadway shows and shopping around Times Square etc… Also we hope we could take some photos together with Statue Of Liberty and Macy’S thanks.
还有比较关键的就是要说明你的资金状况,以及你是自己去的还是跟团去的,这样就不会让人认为有非法滞留的可能了~~ 另外还有一点需要注意的就是,如果你申请的是B1/B2的话,在面谈的时候千万不要说自己是旅游签证,否则很可能被拒哦~~~