荷兰的硕士有学位和文凭两类,学位类是研究性质的;另外一种是职业导向型的,最后拿的是职业导向型的研究生文凭 . 两者都有英文授课的。
以Utrecht大学为例: 1)Master of Science(Msc)是2年的,授予的学位是研究型,必须选导师,毕业要求是写一篇博士水平的论文。这个对英语的要求很高,雅思至少7分。
2)Professional Master's degree(Pmd)是1年或者1.5年制的,拿的是一个研究生文凭,对英语的要求相对较小,雅思总分7分即可申请。
3)Postgraduate certificate in Law(PGCL)是1年制,只适合非法学专业的同学申请,读完可以转法律方向直接考LPC,对英语水平要求高,雅思总分7-8分。
以Tilburg大学为例: 1)International master's degree is for students from abroad with an international bachelor's or undergraduate diploma and a good level of English. The degree is a research-based programme leading to the award of the master’s degree by research (MSc). 只有本科毕业证书+良好雅思成绩的同学才能申请这一种。
2)The master's programs at Tilburg University are held entirely in English, which means that students do not need good command of Dutch to study at this university. 对语言要求同上。
3)The Master's program will prepare you for career opportunities throughout Europe and beyond, with its unique combination of academic rigor and professional insight. 该专业毕业生的满意度非常高!