P是Probable(可能)的意思,一般出现在签发的入境许可上,表示该人在入境时有可能被发现违法或者违反移民法而被扣留。 例如:
VISA STAMPED IN P. NOT TRANSFERABLE, VOA ON ARRIVAL: This is a very general visa, which means that you may be allowed to stay in Switzerland for any purpose and for an indefinite period of time while holding this document. However, as the visa stamp says, your visa can only be used by entering through the appropriate port of entry (the airport in the case of this type of visa), otherwise it will become invalid immediately. Please also note that although there are no restrictions on where and how long you can work ,you must still have some kind of regular employment or business activity at all times if applicable law so requires. The Swiss Government reserves the right to deny admission to anyone who does not satisfy its requirements even though such a person might possess valid travel documents, an entry permit or a residence permit issued by another country;in other words they could refuse you entry into their country. If you plan on staying in Switzerland illegally with the intention of evading arrest and deportation,please do not bother applying for a visa because these visas cannot be granted under any circumstances!
The “probable” status indicated above has been removed from this passport number, indicating therefore that immigration authorities consider him/her non-dangerous anymore; this would allow easy transit through Canadian airports. In order to verify whether someone holds a probable status, customs officers may ask passengers for additional information regarding their travel plans(for example the exact dates during which they intend to stay in Canada)and may even request further verification. Passengers should remain calm when being questioned by officials and answer them honestly and completely since false statements constitute criminal offences. They should always carry proper identification papers and proof of financial solvency at all times. Finally,if asked please refrain from discussing immigration matters