

P是Probable(可能)的意思,一般出现在签发的入境许可上,表示该人在入境时有可能被发现违法或者违反移民法而被扣留。 例如:

VISA STAMPED IN P. NOT TRANSFERABLE, VOA ON ARRIVAL: This is a very general visa, which means that you may be allowed to stay in Switzerland for any purpose and for an indefinite period of time while holding this document. However, as the visa stamp says, your visa can only be used by entering through the appropriate port of entry (the airport in the case of this type of visa), otherwise it will become invalid immediately. Please also note that although there are no restrictions on where and how long you can work ,you must still have some kind of regular employment or business activity at all times if applicable law so requires. The Swiss Government reserves the right to deny admission to anyone who does not satisfy its requirements even though such a person might possess valid travel documents, an entry permit or a residence permit issued by another country;in other words they could refuse you entry into their country. If you plan on staying in Switzerland illegally with the intention of evading arrest and deportation,please do not bother applying for a visa because these visas cannot be granted under any circumstances!

The “probable” status indicated above has been removed from this passport number, indicating therefore that immigration authorities consider him/her non-dangerous anymore; this would allow easy transit through Canadian airports. In order to verify whether someone holds a probable status, customs officers may ask passengers for additional information regarding their travel plans(for example the exact dates during which they intend to stay in Canada)and may even request further verification. Passengers should remain calm when being questioned by officials and answer them honestly and completely since false statements constitute criminal offences. They should always carry proper identification papers and proof of financial solvency at all times. Finally,if asked please refrain from discussing immigration matters


这是指的某类签证,不是单指个人移民签证; 比如学生签、工作签和移民签证等,每个申请人都会有一个对应的visa code,不同code对应不同的类别。有些是5年或10年的多次往返类型,例如B1/2类型的商务签证,或者是D类的非移民工签或者H类的非移民投资工签。 P代表的是临时访问签证(Permanent visitor)——这是一个永久性的入境凭证,但持有人不能申请任何居留权。

这种签证允许你长期地在美国居住并且有工作的权利,但它不允许你在美国办理绿卡或是其他证件的申请手续。它仅能保证你能够随时进出海关。 P型签证通常颁发给那些来美进行短期交流或进行商业贸易的非公民。这类访客必须符合某些条件才能入境。这些条件包括其具有足够的资金来源证明及旅行资金(用于支付交通费)的证明文件以及能够证明访问美国是为了从事与所持签证种类相符的活动。


p是拼音首字母,也就是说您在中国申请的越南签证是拼音填写的。越南语和汉语一样也是声调语言,有六个声调,读错声调意思就变了。越南语是一种独立的语言,不属于任何语系,语法和汉语语法差别很大。越南语的文字原来也像汉语一样是用汉字,叫“字喃”,16世纪后被用拉丁字母转写的拼音文字取代。“喃”是越南文“南方”的音译。越南现行文字又称“国语字”,于17世纪初由法国天主教传教士亚历山德罗•罗德兹(Alexandre Rhodes1591—1660)根据占婆语和中国的切音(反切)法,结合闽南方言语音特点,用拉丁文字母拼写越南语而发明的。越南从1945年起正式在全国推行使用。

