

在 这里,有29个学术学院、一个专业学校以及两个附属机构; 在 这里,你可以尽情徜徉于人文科学的海洋,也可以深入钻研科学领域的尖端课题; 在 这里,你能体验到古今中外丰富多彩的人文社会科学知识;也在 这里,你能够获得最尖端的科学知识和研究手段。 每一个学院都是对一种独特生活方式的探索——从紧密的学院生活到丰富的课外活动,你可以在学院里找到一切。 从本科到研究生,你会在某个领域挖掘得更深,也会拓宽到其他不同的学科范围。 但是不论你的兴趣在哪儿,都可以在 找到适合的课程和学习体验。 让我们来看看吧!

The Faculty of Classics 古典文学系

Classics is the study of ancient civilizations. You'll learn about the myths, languages and cultures of Greece and Rome. The classical world is an invaluable source of insights into human nature that still resonates today.

The Department of Engineering 工程系

Here you will find everything from aeronautical to mechanical engineering, learning how to design systems, solve problems and make things with state-of-the-art equipment.

The University also offers the only fully integrated master’s degrees in both Computer Science and Engineering in the UK. These provide the depth necessary for advanced research or high-level development roles but without losing sight of the practical considerations essential to successful implementation. There are also exciting new cross disciplinary opportunities in cyber security, robotic process automation (RPA), data science and artificial intelligence(AI) as more companies embrace digital transformation.

The Faculty of Law 法学系

The law faculty has been training lawyers since 1858. We offer a range of academic programmes at graduate and postgraduate level and train students who go on to become leading practitioners, company directors, government ministers, judges, and policymakers around the globe. Our expertise covers public international law, European law, commercial law, human rights law和外交关系法等。

The Faculty of Medicine 医学系

The faculty delivers world-class clinical and biomedical scientific education and research that benefits patients locally, nationally and internationally. It consists of 17 departments, divisions and centres and over 600 staff.

The School of Advanced Study 高级研究室

The School provides researchers with an exceptional environment in which to work, based across four universities. The School is unique in having subject specialists in each university, allowing us to focus our attention on your particular area of interest.



